Wiley Fire Dept and OSE II
Wylie Texas Fire Department set up to test the nonflammable point of OSE II when applied to gasoline and diesel at various depths
Wylie Texas Fire Department set up to test the nonflammable point of OSE II when applied to gasoline and diesel at various depths
CEO of OSEI Corporation observed the tests
Wylie Fire Department mixed OSE II and water for tests
Wylie Fire Department Chief and the CEO of the OSEI corporation observed tests
OSE II\’s nonflammable point was determined by utilizing gasoline and Diesel fuels
A Wylie fireman poured the fuel into a measuring cup
A Wylie fireman poured the fuel into a measuring cup
A Wylie fireman poured gasoline into the test pan
A Wylie fireman poured gasoline into the test pan
The gasoline was put in a test pan
A Wylie fireman poured the OSE II and water mixture into the test pan with gasoline
A Wylie fireman poured the OSE II and water mixture into the test pan with gasoline
A Wylie fireman poured the OSE II and water mixture into the test pan with gasoline
The gasoline started to emulsify minutes after the OSE II was applied
The gasoline started to emulsify after the OSE II was applied
The gasoline continued to emulsify after more time had elapsed
The gasoline continued to emulsify after more time had elapsed
The gasoline continued to emulsify after more time had elapsed
OSEI official and fireman washed fuel off their hands with OSE II and water.jpg
The gasoline continued to break down
The fireman poured measured amounts of gasoline into various size test pans and an OSEI official observed fuel in the deep test vessel
The fireman poured measured amounts of gasoline into various size test pans
The fireman poured measured amounts of gasoline into various size test pans
The fireman applied OSE II to the measured gasoline
The fireman applied the OSE II and water mixture to the test pan
The fireman applied the OSE II and water mixture to the test pan
The fireman tried to ignite the deep test pan. The pan ignited, so more time was allowed
OSEI official observed the restart of deep test pan with fuel and OSE II
The gasoline emulsified and solublized
The OSEI official observed the restart of deep test pan
Adding energy to the test fuel speeds up emulsification
The deep dish ignited after a second period of time, so a third time added to test
The flames from the second test were extinguished
The fireman measured fuel for the small area test pan to determine if area or depth changes the nonflammable point
The fireman continued to measure fuel
The fireman poured the measured gasoline into the small area test pan
The fireman continued to pour measured gasoline into the small test pan
The OSE II and water mixture was applied into the small area test pan
The fireman continued to slowly pour the OSE II and water mixture into the small area test pan
The fireman finished pouring the OSE II and water mixture into the small area test pan
The short time for the emulsification and solubalization process was observed
The fireman attempted to ignite the deep pan or a third test but was unable to ignite the gasoline
The fireman continued to attempt to ignite the deep pan for 1 minute, but remained unsuccessful in lighting the gasoline
After holding a torch to the gasoline for 1 minute, it was observed that in the third test that the gasoline was not able to light
The fireman poured a measured amount of gasoline on the concrete
The OSE II and water were mixed in a spray 3 gallon canister
The OSE II and water mixture was poured into the concrete surface
The fireman continued to apply the OSE II and water mixture to the gasoline on the concrete surface
The fireman waited 3 minutes before attempting to ignite the gasoline that had OSE II and water applied to it
The fireman attempted to ignite the gasoline after waiting for 3 minutes and it would not light
While an OSEI Corporation official watched, the fireman continued to attempt to ignite the gasoline that had OSE II and water applied to it for 1 minute
The fireman attempted to ignite the runoff of gasoline that had OSE II and water applied to it but it would also not light.
An OSEI Corporation official watched as the fireman continued to try to ignite the runoff of gasoline that had OSE II and water applied to it
The fireman attempted to ignite larger area test pan after a certain period of time and the gasoline would not light
The fireman attempted to ignite the gasoline by holding the torch near the gasoline with the OSE II mixture applied to it and it was unable to light
The firemen observed the gasoline with the OSE II applied mixture after failing to ignite it
A second test was performed with diesel by pouring out a measured amount of diesel onto the concrete
The fireman applied the OSE II and water mixture onto the diesel
The fireman applied OSE II and water to areas the diesel had run off
The fireman made sure all the areas of diesel were covered with OSE II
The fireman waited 3 minutes before attempting to ignite the diesel with OSE II applied to it
After 3 minutes, the fireman attempted to ignite the diesel that had OSE II applied to it
The fireman attempted to ignite the diesel in different areas
The fireman stood with the flame turned up high in the area where the diesel had OSE II applied to it and it still would not ignite
The concrete was becoming scorched where the flame was held on high and yet the diesel still would not ignite
A second test with diesel fuel was performed in the small and large area pans
An OSEI Corporation observer
After 3 minutes, the fireman attempted to ignite the diesel that had OSE II applied to it
The OSE II and water mixture was applied to the small and large area test pans with diesel fuel
After waiting a period of time the fireman tried to ignite the diesel with OSE II applied and it was unable to light
The fireman held the torch onto the diesel with OSE II applied to it for 1 minite to make sure the fuel would not ignite
The fireman held the torch close to the diesel fuel with OSE II applied to it and it was still unable to ignite
The fireman turned up the flame onto the small area test pan with diesel and OSE II and it still would not ignite
The firemen waited 3 minutes before testing the flammability of the large area test pan
The large area test pan of diesel emulsified and solubilized quickly
Diesel fuel quickly partitions and becomes nonflammable
Deep test pan with diesel and OSE II showed emulsification and solubilization
The fireman attempted to ignite the diesel fuel and OSE II and he could not get the fuel to light
The diesel fuel and OSE II and water mixture after appeared scorched after holding the flame to it for 1 minute, but was unable to ignite
Wylie Texas Fire Department haz mat truck getting an oil change
wylie Texas fire department haz mat truck.jpg