Approximately 90 Cubic yards of soil contaminated with various fuels and tank wash-out residue.
Opening drum containing OSE II concentrate.
the pump in OSE II drum to pump it out.
U.S. Marine extracting OSE II from the drum
Preparing to pour OSE II into mixing tank
Pouring OSE II concentrate into tank of water
Spraying / applying OSE II to the contaminated soil
Spraying / applying OSE II to the contaminated soil
Saturating the contaminated soil with OSE II applied at a 50 to 1 ratio
Saturating the contaminated soil with OSE II applied at a 50 to 1 ratio
Saturating contaminated soil with fresh water / well water
Reviewing soil after receiving closure letter that soil is clean / acceptable to the state of California
Shows biodegradation of
hazardous waste in 4 weeks to an acceptable level for the state of California