![7001.jpg](tn_7001_jpg.jpg) Plano, Texas USA Fire Department
![7002.jpg](tn_7002_jpg.jpg) Diesel fuel was poured into a pan and then OSE II was applied
![7003.jpg](tn_7003_jpg.jpg) Once OSE II is applied to a fuel, wait until at least 3 minutes of time has elapsed
![7004.jpg](tn_7004_jpg.jpg) After 3 minutes has elapsed after applying OSE II to a fuel you cannot light the fuel
![7005.jpg](tn_7005_jpg.jpg) The fireman puts the road torch directly on the diesel which had OSE II applied and it would not light
![7006.jpg](tn_7006_jpg.jpg) Plano, Texas fireman tried for some time to light the diesel with OSE II and they were unsuccessful
![7007.jpg](tn_7007_jpg.jpg) A second test was run to see if the diesel would light by itself; it lit immediately
![7008.jpg](tn_7008_jpg.jpg) The fireman let the diesel burn out
![7009.jpg](tn_7009_jpg.jpg) Diesel fuel was then poured out on the concrete, then OSE II was applied
![7010.jpg](tn_7010_jpg.jpg) Once OSE II was applied, the firemen waited 3 minutes
![7011.jpg](tn_7011_jpg.jpg) After 3 minutes had elapsed the fireman tried to light the diesel with OSE II applied to it
![7012.jpg](tn_7012_jpg.jpg) The fireman tried to light the liquid running off from the main spill area and it would not light
![7013.jpg](tn_7013_jpg.jpg) The firemen proved to themselves that OSE II eliminates the fire hazard associated with fuel spills