Wiley Fire Department & OSE II

Non Flammable Point of Diesel and Gasoline

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01 Wylie Texas Fire department Setting up to test the non flammable point of OSE II when applied to gasoline, and Diesel, at various depths.jpg

02 1 Wylie Texas Fire department Setting up to test the non flammable point of OSE II when applied to gasoline, and Diesel, at various depths.jpg

04 CEO OSEI Corporation Observing tests.jpg

05 Wylie Fire department mixing OSE II and water for tests.jpg

06 Wylie fire department Chief and the CEO of the OSEI corporation observing tests.jpg

07 OSE II non Flammable point was determined utilizing gasoline and Diesel fuels.jpg

08 Wylie Tx fireman pouring a measured amount of fuel into a measuring cup.jpg

09 Wylie Tx fireman pouring a measured amount of fuel into a measuring cup.jpg

10 Fireman pouring gasoline into test pan.jpg

11 Fireman pouring gasoline into test pan.jpg

13 Gasoline setting in test pan.jpg

13b Fireman poring OSE II and water mixture into test pan with gasoline.jpg

14 Fireman poring OSE II and water mixture into test pan with gasoline.jpg

15 Fireman poring OSE II and water mixture into test pan with gasoline.jpg

16 Gasoline starting to emulsify minutes after OSE II is applied.jpg

17 Gasoline starting to emulsify after more time after OSE II is applied.jpg

18 Gasoline starting to emulsify after more time .jpg

19 Gasoline starting to emulsify after more time .jpg

20 Gasoline starting to emulsify after more time .jpg

21 OSEI official, and fireman washing fuel off their hands with OSE II and water.jpg

22 Gasoline break down continuing.jpg

23 Fireman pouring measured amounts of gasoline into various size test pans, OSEI official observing fuel into deep test vessel.jpg

24 Fireman pouring measured amounts of gasoline into various size test pans .jpg

25 Fireman pouring measured amounts of gasoline.jpg

26 fireman applying OSE II to measured gasoline .jpg

27 Fireman applying OSE II and water mixture to test vessel.jpg

28 Fireman applying OSE II and water mixture to test vessel.jpg

29 Fireman trying to ignite deep test pan, pan ignited, so more time was allowed.jpg

30 OSEI official observing the restart of deep test pan with fuel and OSE II.jpg

31 observing the emulsifying and solubalization of gasoline.jpg

32 OSEI official observing the restart of deep test pan.jpg

33 Showing how adding energy to the test fuel speeds up emulsification.jpg

34 Deep dish test igniting after a second period of time, so a third time added to test.jpg

35 extinguishing second test time, that ignited.jpg

36 measuring fuel for small area test pan to determine if area or depth changed the non flammable point.jpg

37 continuing to pour gasoline into measuring cup.jpg

38 pouring measured gasoline onto small area test pan.jpg

39 continuing to pour measured gasoline onto small test pan.jpg

40 Applying OSE II and water mixture onto small area test pan.jpg

41 continuing to slowly pour OSE II and water mixture to small area test pan.jpg

42 finishing pouring OSE II and water mixture to small area test pan.jpg

43 observing the short time the emulsification and solubalization process occurrs.jpg

44 the third test time, attempting to ignite the deep pan and being unable to ignite the gasoline.jpg

45 continuing to attempt to ignite the deep test pan for up to 1 minute, being unable to get the gasoline to ignite.jpg

46 the third test time for the deep test and observing the gasoline that was unable to ignite after holding a torch to the gasoline for 1 minute.jpg

47 pouring a measured amount of gasoline onto a flat concrete surface.jpg

48 Mixing OSE II and water in a spray 3 gallon canister.jpg

49 Applying OSE II and water to the gasoline poured onto the concrete surface.jpg

50 continue to apply OSE II and water to gasoline onto the concrete surface.jpg

51 waiting 3 minutes before attempting to ignite the gasoline with OSE II and water applied to it.jpg

52 attempting to ignite the gasolene after waiting for 3 minutes after applying OSE Ii to the gasolene, and it would not ignite.jpg

53 attempting to ignite the gasolene with OSE II applied to it for up to 1 minute in spots with OSEi Corporation official observing the gasolene being.jpg

54 attempting to ignite the run off of gasoline and OSE II water mixture to make sure it will not ignite where ever it runs to and it would not ignite.jpg

55 continuing to attempt to ignite the run off of gasoline and OSE II and water mixture with OSEI Corporation official observing, gasoline would not .jpg

56 attemting to ignite larger area test pan after a certain period of time and the gasoline would not ignite.jpg

57 attemting to ignite the gasoline by holding the torch onto the gasoline with the OSE II mixture applied to it and it was unable to ignite.jpg

58 observing the gasoline and OSE II applied mixture after attempting to ignite the gasoline and being unable to get it to ignite.jpg

59 a second test with diesel was performed by pouring out a measured amount of diesel onto the concrete.jpg

60 fireman applied the OSE II and water mixture onto the diesel.jpg

61 fireman applied the OSE II to areas where the diesel ran to.jpg

62 fireman made sure all the areas of diesel were covered with OSE II.jpg

63 fireman waiting 3 minutes before attempting to ignite the diesel with OSE II applied to it.jpg

64 fireman attempting after 3 minutes to ignite the diesel which OSE II had been applied.jpg

65 fireman attempting to ignite the diesel an different areas.jpg

66 Fireman standing in the area where the diesel had OSE II applied to it with the flame turned up high and the diesel still would not ignite.jpg

67 the concrete was becoming scorched where the flame was held on high and yet the diesel still would not ignite.jpg

68 a second test in the small and large area pans was performed with diesel fuel.jpg

69 OSEI Corporation observer .jpg

70 applying the OSE II and water mixture to the small and large area test pans with diesel fuel.jpg

71 after waiting a period of time the fireman trys to ignite the diesel with OSE II applied and it was unable to ignite.jpg

72 holdin the torch onto the diesel and OSE II applied to test for 1 minite to make sure the fuel would not ignite.jpg

73 fireman holding the torch close to the diesel fuel with OSE II applied to it and it was still unable to ignite.jpg

74 fireman turning up the flame onto the small area test pan with diesel and OSE II and it still would not ignite.jpg

75 large area test pan with diesel waiting 3 minutes to test with the flame for flammability.jpg

76 lareg area test pan diesel is emulsifying and solubalizing quickly.jpg

77 showing how diesel fuel quickly partitions and becomes non flammable.jpg

78 deep test pan with diesel and OSE II showing emulsification and solubalization.jpg

79 fireman attempting to ignite the diesel fuel and OSE II and he could not get the fuel to ignite.jpg

80 showing the diesel fuel and OSE II and water mixture after holding the flame to it for 1 minute, it appeared scorched but was incappable of ignitin.jpg

81 Wylie Texas fire department Haz mat truck getting an oil change.jpg




wylie Texas fire department haz mat truck.jpg