Author Archives: admin

OSEI Brazil

Meeting in Bazil to discuss the application of OSE II Steven Pedigo presentation starts at 20 minute mark

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Broussard, LA December 23 2013

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Broussard, LA October 8 2013

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Broussard, LA October 4 2013

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Philippines, shoreline application of OSE II 2014

Oil Spill Eater II (OSE II) is a first response bioremediation product that is safe for humans, non toxic to marine life, that permanently removes spills from environments by converting spills to a safe end point of CO2 and water.

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Oil Spill Eater II demonstration on BP Gulf of Mexico spill at Grand Isle Louisiana 2010

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OSE II successfully cleaned up the AGIP Brass Terminal oil spill

OSE II successfully cleaned up the AGIP Brass Terminal oil spill, which was approximately 150,000 gallons or 550,000 liters.

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OSEI CEO Steven Pedigo interviewed for Fox Business, CNBC and Asia World TV on Century 21 Business. Discussing global oil spill clean ups.

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Dispersing the Truth Petroleum Engineer, John Turley, slams the use of Corexit

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A New Look at Oil Spill Response

An Analysis of the BP Macondo Spill Cleanup Click Here for PDF Visit Website

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