BP well blow out Trinidad and Tobago

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001 British Petroleum in Trinidad and Tobago suffered a well blowout on Rocky Point.jpg

002 B.P.'s well blowout covered a ocean water inlet as well as a pond at the end of inlet.jpg

003 The oil was thick and covered the water as well as inland vegetation.jpg

004 B.P.'s cleanup contractor Interchem, reacted to the well blowout by utilizing OSE II for the oil spill clean up..jpg

006 - 2 days after Interchem applied OSE II the oil could still be seen lifting off the sand and vegetation.jpg

007 The oil that has lifted off the vegetation is starting to solubalize (where the oil interfac e increases).jpg

009 The oil is still lifting from the vegetation from the B.P. well blowout.jpg

010 The oil is still lifting from the vegetation, the oil in the water is bioremediation.jpg

011 The oil in the water is solubulizing and starting to convert to CO2 and water.jpg

012 The oil on the soil and vegetation is detoxified to the point that 8 days after applying OSE II new vegetation is growing.jpg

014 10 days after applying OSE II the oil is solubalized and large pockets of CO2 bubbles are present..jpg

015 Large pockets of CO2 is where the oil is remediated, and then you can start to see the bottom.jpg

017 - 14 days after applying OSE II you can see the bottom.jpg

018 Once the bacteria run out of free floating solubalized oil to convert to CO2 and water, the bacteria will then migrate to where any other oil is ac.jpg

020 Twenty one days after applying OSE II the shoreline is clean and new vegetation is growing.jpg