21 Dr. Lee applied the Bunker C oil to the surface of the ocean water in the test container
22 Mr. Kim of the Korean Institute extracting samples of the test oil and ocean water to determine the intial TPH
23 Pouring the required amount of OSE II into the hand sprayer already filled with fresh ocean water
24 Korean Institute officials applying OSE II directly onto the bunker C oil floating on the fresh ocean water in the test container
25 Korean officials as well as SK Coast Guard with officials of the Korean Institute observing the initial reactions of the application of OSE II to t
26 The Bunker C oil starts to emulsify or break down just after the application of OSE II
27 The Bunker C oil is tansfering from the emulsification stage to the solubalization stage which is the increase in the oil water interface
28 On day 2 the oil started seperating and began to loose its adhesion properties
29 The oil is thinning to the point it is becoming opaque, at this point the oils toxicity is reduced, its flamability is diminished, adhesion propert
30 The Bunker C oil is starting to remediate 3 days after application of OSE II
31 Ceo Of OSEI Corporation watching as Thousands of people volunteering for clean up duties witnessed OSE II reamediating the Bunker c oil for the dur
32 OSEI CEO and Chairman discussing the results of the bunker C oil remeadiating in April 2008
33 OSEI CEO along with the Korean institute officials discussing the results of the oil remediation and what is expected next as the demonstration mov
34 There is only a fraction of ther oil left from the initial time it was applied to the waters surface
35 OSEI CEO along with Korean Institute officials meeting with business men from Malaysia to discuss the test results, and utilizing OSE II in Malaysi
36 OSEI CEO and Chairman meeting with Petyronas Oil officials from Kuala Lampure, at test site to discuss the use of OSE II in the countries they do
36A U.S. NOAA associates witnessing the ODSE II test demonstration at Mo Hang port South Korea
36B Korean Institute official explaing the great results of OSE II bioremediating the Bunker C oil in the test container at Mo Hnag harbor along with
37 On May 5, 2008 the test demonstration at Mo Hang port was concluded since there was no more visible oil, of which subsequent testing showed no ppm
38 Day 25 of the test demonstration and the oil is remediated to CO 2 and water. Several species were found living on the bottom and in the water of t