OSE II is used in the course of normal cleanup of spilled hydrocarbons at refineries around the world. This BP refinery near Athens Greece was supplied OSE II by our Greek Distributor, EES. EES instructed the maintenance crews on the best ways to use OSE II to perform their normally scheduled cleaning of the facility utilizing environmentally safe methods.
All over the world BP is seeking ways to do business in an environmentally friendly manner. OSE II is product that allows workers to safely bioremediate waste and spilled oil without fowling the environment.
OSE II is mixed with water in a hand sprayer at a concentration ratio of 50:1. The mixture is then sprayed on the contaminate and is allowed to sit for 20 to 30 minutes. OSE II immediately attacks any hydrocarbon present by soluliblizing and emulsifying the oil. This is the first stage in the cleanup process by which the OSE II mixture attaches to the hydrocarbon and prevents it from adhering to other surfaces.
After the OSE II mixture has begun lifting the oil from the surface needing cleaning the worker uses a high pressure sprayer to blast the OSE II and oil from the surfaces.
OSE II is used on any contaminated surfaces to safely lift and begin to biodegrade the spilled hydrocarbon product.
OSE II is delivered full strength. At the time of use it is mixed with water containing native bacteria. Besides solubilizing and emulsifying the hydrocarbon, the OSE II promotes the growth of the native bacteria with a nutrient package that once consumed the bacteria then turn to the hydrocarbon as it's primary food source. In this way BP can clean spilled hydrocarbons from surfaces while not adversely affecting the environment.