Cleanup – Under Slab
Drilling Contractor set up to drill to a depth of 20 feet below the concrete surface
The soil and groundwater under the building was contaminated with BETX, DDT, Malathion and other pesticides
Soil was cored and registered at the depth groundwater was encountered which was 16 feet
The impervious layer of clay was encountered at twenty feet
Soil cores were sampled at every four feet to determine scope of contamination
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OSEI Corp. put in monitoring wells not only so that continuous sampling would be possible, but also so OSE II could be applied
5 drums of OSE II were set up on a slow continuous feed into the monitoring wells
OSE II was applied by a continuous slow feed because the wells could only take in so much liquid for a given time period
In less than 30 days the groundwater and soil under the building were reduced to acceptable cleanup levels