Texaco Crude Oil Spill Cleanup
OSEI Corp. and Texaco Associates assessed the spill
Approximately 125 barrels of crude oil spilled on the water
The crude oil spill was on fresh water
Crude oil covered the 3 1/2 acre pond
Crude oil covered the marsh grass
Texaco cleanup personnel prepared to mix OSE II
Texaco cleanup personnel prepared to mix OSE II
OSE II was pumped into application tank containing creek water
OSE II was applied to the crude oil
As soon as as the OSE II was applied, the oil lifted off the sand
The OSE II helped in removing oil from the marsh grass
OSE II was used to clean the sandy shoreline
Crude oil floated on the water\’s surface leaving the sand clean
Crude oil floated on the water\’s surface leaving the sand clean
OSE II was used to clean grass and sand of crude oil
Clean sand and grass after application of OSE II
Clean sand and grass after application of OSE II
OSE II was applied directly to crude oil offshore
A boat was used to apply OSE II to the crude oil too far from shore to spray
OSE II was applied to the crude oil and marsh grass in the center of the pond
Marsh grass immediately after OSE II application
Foam covered the oil and marsh grass where OSE II was applied
Shoreline and tree limbs were cleaned with OSE II
OSE II was applied to thick marsh grass
OSE II was sprayed into hard to reach areas
Hard to reach contaminated areas were easily cleaned with OSE II
OSE II was applied to brush
You can see the difference between where OSE II had and had not been applied
Mobilized oil solubilized between cleaned marsh grass
Crude oil rapidly emulsified and solubilized after application of OSE II
OSE II mobilized the oil from the sand so it could no longer impact the shoreline
OSE II molecularly adheres to oil and remains with it as the oil mobilizes from the sand
Crude oil changed consistency once the OSE II was applied. Rapid detoxification protected the flora and fauna.
Marsh grass was protected once OSE II was applied
A small snake safely swam through the oil after OSE II was applied. Oil could not adhere to the snake.
The light patchy area in the marsh grass is the second phase of OSE II starting bacteria growth you can visualize
The light patch is the expanding colony of bacteria feeding on the oil
The light patch was bacteria feeding on the oil on day 3
The light patch of bacteria spread over entire area of crude oil
The oil disappeared as the bacteria clumped up
Bacteria clump where oil remained as it was the food source
The bacteria uses the oil for food and converts it to carbon dioxide and water
Pump was used to aerate pond water
The pump was used to shoot the water into the air to prevent COD or BOD problems
18 days after application the water was clear of crude oil
Once the oil was gone the bacteria died off to pre-spill numbers
Post-treatment the water was clear; there were no dead fish, turtles, or snakes. Marsh grass did not die and trees were not adversely impacted
OSE II detoxified the oil and rapidly returned the pond to pre-spill condition. The ecosystem was effectively protected.